CBL & Associates, based in Chattanooga, TN, hosts a bi-annual themed corporate event. In 2011, we were asked to paint two multi-panel set pieces shown here, along with another door panel, painted like a large, cardboard box, and several large alphabet blocks to create a Toy Story themed event. Each of the pictured Toy Story set pieces shown here have six 4'w x 8'h plywood panels joined together to form 12'w x 16' high set pieces, large enough to fill the stage height where they were going.

In 2013, we were asked to paint two custom set pieces for another CBL & Associates event. They wanted a detailed lab for one of their 12' high James Bond Event set pieces. To paint that would have been out of their budget range, with the level of detail desired, so we used our graphic design skills and had large mural panels printed and installed to get the job done. The other, simpler James Bond Event set piece, measuring 16'w x 12'h, was easy to design and paint.