Restaurant Murals - Southside Social Murals: Using the restaurant's palette, The "DUDE" mural is one of the first things patrons see as they enter the restaurant. The Big Lebowski themed mural is downstairs, on the main level, and was set up for photo opps, complete with couch and robe! Upstairs you can see the "4 guys" mural on a plywood panel designed and painted for the ping pong room.

Restaurant Murals - Southside Social Murals: Bowl mural. This hand is iconic to the unique 10-lane bowling boutique in Southside part of Chattanooga, TN. It is on the back of every server's shirt and as decals on the doors of the facility.

Restaurant Murals - Southside Social Murals: Two more Big Lebowski themed murals done on plywood panels were designed and painted for the upstairs gameroom, both visible in the same area. The purple color for the center character was a must, so it was also put into The Dude plywood panel, as well.

Restaurant Murals - Southside Social Murals: exterior mural and signage.