Kingston Pike Hooters - Knoxville TN; restaurant murals - part of a restoration project involving two corners and a dividing wall involving 5 different UT murals.

Kingston Pike Hooters - Knoxville TN; restaurant murals - part of a restoration project involving two corners and a dividing wall involving 5 different UT murals.

Kingston Pike Hooters - Knoxville TN; restaurant murals - part of a restoration project involving two corners and a dividing wall involving 5 different UT murals.

Kingston Pike Hooters - Knoxville TN; restaurant murals - part of a restoration project involving two corners and a dividing wall involving 5 different UT murals.

Southside Social Bowling Boutique, Chattanooga, TN: restaurant murals. This restaurant wanted Big Lebowski murals - both painted on the walls, and onto mural panels. In the top right of this one, you can see one of the original Big Lebowski mural panel boards.

Southside Social Bowling Boutique, Chattanooga, TN: restaurant murals. This bowling hand mural is on the left wall of the 10-lane bowling area of this unique place.

Southside Social Bowling Boutique, Chattanooga, TN: restaurant murals. Taken in the studio, left, and installed in the ping pong area upstairs, this 8-panel Big Lebowski mural panel board really brings a lot of life to the space. All of the colors are part of the palette of the restaurant-bowling boutique.

Southside Social Bowling Boutique, Chattanooga, TN: restaurant murals. Shown here are two more mural panel boards installed on either side of a wall upstairs in the gaming area.

Southside Social Bowling Boutique, Chattanooga, TN: restaurant murals. Outdoor mural and mural signage.

Rodizio Brazilian Restaurant Murals: Three grayscale murals, all with a gaucho theme.

Rodizio Brazilian Restaurant Murals: closeup of the hand mural

Rodizio Brazilian Restaurant Murals: Closeup of the riding gaucho mural.

Rodizio Brazilian Restaurant Murals: Closeup of the gaucho man mural