To create the illusion of a 3D Narnia forest, the director of Narnia, the Musical decided to use (4) wooden 3-sided 4'w x 12'h mobile set columns (dancers would climb up on the handholds during performances) and (2) foam board 32'w x 16'h portals designed and painted like overhanging branches.

The Narnia winter mobile set pieces were moved to different locations on the stage for scene changes. Pictured here are the portals and set pieces as used in the performances.

Showing the 3 sides of the 4'w x 12'h wooden mobile set columns for Narnia, the Musical. Besides the stone columns, I also painted (3) 4-sided platforms to match - used in creating the witch's castle courtyard. On the summer and winter trees, hand holds were added to allow dancers to climb up and "become" part of the trees.

This shot was taken during rehearsal, showing the (4) Narnia summer tree mobile columns and (2) 32'w x 16' foam board portals.

Showing the Narnia summer tree portals and mobile columns in use.

Taken during rehearsal, this image shows the 40'w x 16' h (foam board) Mr Tumnus Cave portal, with summer tree columns behind a scrim, allowing the dancers to help create the illusion of Mr Tumnus' memory of when it used to be summer. The cave texture was created in about 2 hours by rolling 5 colors of paint directly on the foam board, and allowing to dry overnight. All of the other texture is from multiple layers of spattering.

Closeups of the stone from the witch's castle courtyard, and Mr Tumnus Cave portal.

This image shows a performance using the wooden stone columns along with the platforms (showing the sides that match the stone in the courtyard) along with the stone table where Aslan was crucified. (Yours truly in the center with the long, gray hair!)