We started brainstorming about this wall, when I was at the school to paint the sky. What can we do? I suggested that they find a way to get 2" foam installed in the door and window cavitiies to make more of a solid wall, but in an economical way. The pic on the left is what I started with on the day I came back to paint the tree wall. What a difference THAT wall made in the overall look!

The finished room, with all of the other "goodies" that tried to make an indoor space feel like the outdoors.

I was hired to paint JUST the front piece of sheetrock as part of the Ben Carson grant of making this area look like the outdoors (along with other things provided by others). With extra time and paint, and their permission, I painted 2 other wall areas with matching sky. I used the same paint and clouds to complete the tree wall later (that we didn't know was coming!).