The completed mural took 4 days of hard work to meet the deadline, both of the school and us! Just 6 colors, this is one of our favorite school murals to date. Super sharp graphic makes for a huge impact for this gym mural. Bleachers will be installed within a few inches of the bottom of the mural, by design.

My helper painting in some of the final touchups of the gym mural.

We like to do something "big" on the first day to let the job supervisor and the school folks know we're not here to fool around - we mean business! Two things we are proud of, and that really set us apart, is the quality of our work, and the speed at which we deliver it.

We walked into this on Saturday at 9am, and were done by Tuesday at 4:30pm. The mural was drawn on freehand, using the block wall as the grid.