The storefront for a new and friendly outdoor shop - Battlefield Outdoors, in historic Fort Oglethorpe, GA - was completely blank. After pricing lit signage, we got a call to design and install mural signage at their new store. By day 3, new customers were already walking through the door, drawn in by the brightly colored and informative mural signage!

When we say we can transform your space, we are not kidding! There's life in them thar hills!!

Mural Signage - it took about half a day to complete the backgrounds for the rest of the mural signage.

Mural Signage - Back on location until about midnight to project and draw on the tons of lettering and detailed bicycle logo for the different panels.

Mural Signage - A lot was accomplished by 1pm when this was shot. Fortunately, warmer morning temps allowed me to start much earlier on this day to get a lot of the lettering done by lunchtime. Now, passersby can start to see what this is all about.