The principal of Boynton Elementary School approached me about painting something in their gym. She was about to have it all repainted (see why in the last pic), and wanted something fresh and inviting for the new school year. Instead of the usual animal mascot, the school uses the stars as an icon of the team name, Generals.

Day 3 - the new Boynton Elementary Gym Mural is complete! As the teachers have been arriving this week to fix up their classrooms I have heard a lot of "That's awesome!" and "Wow, that's looks fantastic! I love it!" Updated and ready to go for the new school year!!

End of Day 2 - almost there! Most of the first coats are done...

School Gym Mural, after Day 1.

The newly painted gym already looks so much better!!

It's easy to see why the principal wanted to use some of her budget to have a fresh look in the gym to paint over the old images and rainbow stripes that were so dated.